How to Throw an Awesome Party for Less Than $100
It’s finally getting warmer here in Michigan after a very long winter, and it seems everyone is coming out of hibernation. This means lots of my neighbors and friends want to throw an awesome party,...
View Article9 Ways to Be Frugal Without Being Cheap
Being frugal and being cheap are commonly thought of as synonymous. I hear it regularly from family members. They know we tend to live frugally and accuse us of simply being cheap. It can be easy to...
View Article11 Things I Refuse to Do to Save Money
A frugal person loves to find extra ways to save money. In all honesty, we live in a great time for penny pinchers. There are a growing number of ways to save money every month – from cutting the cord...
View ArticleFrugality is Not Deprivation
Frugality gets a bad rap. We were visiting with family recently, and they view frugality as always being cheap and not spending money. At least, that’s how they labeled me. That being said, many...
View ArticleAre Your Friends and Family Costing You Money? Here’s What You Can Do
While I’m on vacation this week, please enjoy this contribution from my friend Sarah, at High Fiving Dollars It’s hard to be frugal when you have friends who love to spend money (and sometimes guilt...
View ArticleHow My Capsule Wardrobe Saves Me Money
In the minimalism world right now, capsule wardrobes are all the rage. When I first started hearing about them, I loved the idea of owning less, but I didn’t love the idea of wearing the same basic...
View Article3 Ways to Stop Spending and Become Frugal
If you want to stop spending and want to embrace frugality, the process to switch on over to the frugal side of life isn’t as complicated as one might think. After all, spending habits, much like...
View ArticleHow to Balance Minimalism With Wanting More
We were having dinner with some good friends recently, and the topic of minimalism came up over the course of the evening. They know I’ve left my former packrat ways in favor of a more simplistic,...
View ArticleWhy Making More Is Better Than Spending Less
There is often a debate in the personal finance community about which is better to achieve financial goals: spending less or making more money. Most personal finance experts will tell you that a little...
View ArticleHow to Get Your Spouse on Board With Frugality
Like many young women, before I got married I often thought about what my future husband would be like. I knew I wanted to marry someone who was smart, kind, and thoughtful, someone who would make a...
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